Social Media Is A Specialized Legal Area. You Are Taking A Big Risk Using A Model Social Media Policy Just Because It's From A Reputable Policy Service Or Association!
99% of model social media policies, even from reputable organizations, are not written by attorneys who specialize in digital media law. Upon examination in court, the policies are found to be unconstitutionally vague.
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Game-Changing Social Media Policy Cases
These cases represent a modern trend among the nation courts to reject boilerplate social media policy language used by reputable policy services and other organizations. Also, the cases had one one striking similarity, they didn't have an experienced social media attorney specialist like me review and close hidden policy gaps created by the new federal standards.
Never Fire Or Discipline An Employee For Social Media Policy Violations Unless...
Tip #1
You have documented proof that an outside social media attorney expert trained all your employees on the new social media speech and privacy laws.
Tip #2
You have documented proof that an outside social media attorney expert updated your social media policy to comply with new federal drafting standards.
3 Affordable Compliance Tools
Protect your public image and employee careers.